Your home’s plumbing system is a critical component that permits water to flow properly throughout the property. Not all plumbing materials, however, are made equal. Kitec plumbing, formerly a popular alternative to traditional copper piping, has recently developed a bad reputation. In this blog, let’s check why you should consider a Kitec plumbing pipe replacement and explore safer alternatives that can help maintain the integrity and durability of your plumbing system.

Kitec Pipe Replacement and Removal In Lincoln

What is Kitec Plumbing?

Kitec plumbing is a plumbing system commonly used in residential and commercial buildings between 1995 and 2005. Kitec pipes are made up of two layers of plastic with metal sandwiched between them. These pipes contain brass fittings as well. The Kitec system was popular due to its ease of installation, affordability, and resistance to corrosion. However, it has been associated with premature pipe failure and leaks.

The Kitec plumbing system gained attention when it was discovered that the brass fittings used were prone to dezincification. In this process, the zinc in the fittings corrodes, leading to pipe deterioration and potential leaks. This can actually result in water damage, mold growth, and costly repairs.

Should Kitec Be Replaced? 

Kitec plumbing should be replaced because of its inadequacies and the risks it poses to your property. While it was formerly touted as a cost-effective and long-lasting alternative to copper plumbing, several difficulties have arisen over time, forcing homeowners and experts to advocate its replacement.

Kitec plumbing is constructed from flexible aluminum pipes with an interior layer of plastic composite, usually polyethylene or polybutylene. Brass fittings are frequently utilized in Kitec plumbing systems. These components, however, have proven to be problematic, resulting in various concerns that can compromise the functionality and safety of your plumbing system.

To begin with, Kitec plumbing is prone to premature corrosion, particularly in places with hard water or high chlorine content. When exposed to these factors, the plastic composite lining within the pipes might disintegrate, resulting in leaks and burst pipes. Corrosion in brass fittings is also common, increasing the danger of leaks and water damage.

Kitec plumbing is linked to low water pressure. The inner lining of the pipes can deteriorate with time, reducing water flow and significantly influencing daily activities such as showering, cleaning dishes, and using appliances.

Furthermore, Kitec plumbing may cause health risks. According to independent investigations, the brass fittings used in Kitec systems frequently contain excessive levels of zinc, which can lead to zinc poisoning if taken in large quantities. These substances can pollute your water supply in case of a leak or pipe collapse, posing health concerns to you and your family.

When Did They Stop Using Kitec Plumbing? 

Kitec plumbing production and use were formally ended in 2005. This move was made in response to many lawsuits and recorded system failures, which resulted in extensive water damage in many residences.

Following the cessation of Kitec plumbing, several class-action lawsuits were filed to compensate homeowners with problems with their Kitec systems. The cases emphasized Kitec plumbing’s poor design and inadequate materials, which caused considerable financial losses and property damage for many people.

What Are The Risks Of Kitec Plumbing? 

Kitec plumbing poses significant dangers that can have major effects on homes. Here are some of the major risks:

Corrosion and Leaks

The sensitivity of Kitec plumbing to premature corrosion might result in leaks and water damage in your home. Both the plastic composite lining within the pipes and the brass fittings are prone to deterioration, particularly when exposed to chlorine, minerals, and other common constituents found in water. Pipes can deteriorate and finally rupture over time, causing substantial water damage and necessitating costly repairs.

Low Water Pressure

Kitec pipe inner lining deterioration can obstruct water flow, reducing water pressure throughout your home. This can be inconvenient and frustrating when completing daily tasks like showering, washing dishes, or using appliances that rely on proper water pressure.

Health Problems

The high zinc concentration of Kitec plumbing brass fittings creates possible health problems. Excessive zinc ingestion can result in nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Prolonged contact with polluted water might have long-term health repercussions. While the health problems associated with Kitec plumbing are not widely publicized, it is critical to evaluate the potential threats to guarantee your family’s safety.

Degrade Home Value

Kitec Plumbing has a bad reputation in the real estate market. Homes using Kitec plumbing systems are frequently regarded as a higher risk by prospective buyers, resulting in lower property values. Replacing Kitec plumbing with a safer option will help you keep or increase the value of your house.

How Can I Tell If My Home Has Kitec Plumbing?

To determine if you have Kitec plumbing in your home or building, visually inspect the plumbing lines for distinctive orange and blue pipes, as these colors often identify Kitec plumbing. Additionally, check for brass fittings stamped with “Kitec” or “KTC” at the connection points of the pipes or near plumbing fixtures.

If you’re still determining the type of plumbing system on your property, it’s recommended to consult a licensed plumber or plumbing inspector. A professional inspection can thoroughly evaluate and help determine the best action for any necessary repairs or replacements.

What Can I Replace Kitec With? 

If you have Kitec plumbing in your home, consider replacing it with something safer and more dependable. Here are two widely suggested alternatives:

Copper Plumbing: Copper piping is a tried-and-true, long-lasting alternative to Kitec plumbing. Copper pipes have a long lifespan, are corrosion-resistant, and have excellent water flow properties. They are well-known for their dependability and appropriateness for various applications. While copper plumbing has a higher initial cost than Kitec, it is a worthy investment because of its longevity and low maintenance requirements.

PEX Plumbing: Recently, cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) plumbing has become a flexible and durable alternative to traditional copper piping. PEX pipes are corrosion, freezing damage, and scale buildup resistant. They are simple to install because they can be bent and molded to accommodate various plumbing layouts. PEX plumbing is also inexpensive, making it an appealing option for homeowners who want to replace Kitec plumbing without breaking the bank.

Who to Call for Kitec Plumbing Replacement?

At New Flow Plumbing, we understand the importance of reliable and efficient plumbing systems. With our team of experienced plumbers, we have the knowledge and expertise to efficiently and effectively replace your outdated Kitec plumbing with reliable and modern solutions. We understand the potential risks associated with Kitec plumbing and are committed to ensuring the safety and functionality of your plumbing system. Trust us for top-quality service, exceptional workmanship, and peace of mind knowing that your Kitec plumbing replacement is in the hands of skilled professionals.

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