Dual flush toilets conserve water, but how? Dual flush toilets are standard as people become more water conscious. Dual flush toilets can be complete or partial. The more you know about dual flush toilets, the better you can decide if you need one.

What are Dual Flush Toilets?

Dual-flush toilets are designed to use less water than traditional toilets. The dual flush toilet uses less water for liquid waste and more water for solid waste. The two buttons on the side of the bowl are labeled as “liquid” and “solid.” Pressing the “liquid” button will use less water to flush your urine or other liquids down the drain. This can save 10 gallons of water per flush!

How Does It Work?

Dual flush toilets have two buttons on the side of the bowl labeled “liquids” and “solids.” Pressing one button will release a smaller amount of water into the bowl, while pressing the other button will remove a more significant amount of water into the bowl (or nothing at all if there is no more room in your septic tank).

Why Are Dual Flush Toilets Better for the Environment?

Dual flush toilets use less water than standard toilets because they don’t need to “fill up” with as much water before flushing. Traditional bathrooms use 1.6 gallons per flush (GPF), while dual flush toilets can use 0.8 GPF or less. This saves your water bill and our limited natural resources (like freshwater). Dual-flush toilets may also be more cost-effective because you won’t need to replace them as often as older models of single-flush toilets (which are often prone to clogging).

How to Install a Dual Flush Toilet?

Installing a dual flush toilet is not as hard as you may think. The old toilet must be removed first and adequately disposed of. Before installing it, you should also remove any old wax rings and gaskets from the new bathroom. You can do this by using an old towel or rag to hold onto the ring while unscrewing it from the tank with pliers or another tool.

Once everything has been removed, measure how much space is between your floor and the base of your new toilet. If there’s enough room for installation, place the new bowl over the top of your existing flange (the part that connects with the floor). If not, you will need to cut off some of the bottoms of your flange to fit into place properly on top of the drain pipe coming out of your sewer pipe (known as a P-trap).

Why You Need a Professional Plumber?

It seems like an easy task, but installing a dual flush toilet requires excellent skills and expertise. It would help if you had us, New Flow Plumbing, who has done this many times before and knows how everything works, so they can quickly put it back together again when we are finished with our work.

To ensure that everything fits together correctly during installation, please contact us at (916) 776-5723. We will provide you with a competent plumber that knows what needs to be done. With all of our available alternatives, it is simple to choose a solution that complements your home’s aesthetic and fits within your budget.

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