We often wonder why we can’t flush food down the toilet. The thought of wasting perfectly edible food makes us feel bad. However, there’s a good explanation for this rule: flushing food down the toilet is bad for both our health and the environment. Actually, there are numerous reasons why you shouldn’t.
The Pipes Aren’t Designed for It.
It’s not that the pipes aren’t big enough, but rather that they’re not designed to handle solids. The pipes themselves are made of PVC or concrete pipe, which is meant to handle water flow but not solids. If you do decide to flush your plate, it could clog up the pipes and make a big mess in your home — not to mention cost you some money in plumbing bills!
Attract Pests
A lot of people flush food down the toilet because they think it will just dissolve or get eaten by bacteria. But that’s not true at all — especially with meat. It can take weeks to break down in the water, especially if it has been cooked before being flushed. This can attract rats and other pests to your home because they smell the rotting food coming out of your drainpipes and will try to get into your house through them. This also makes it more difficult for wastewater treatment plants to process their waste properly because it’s not just sewage anymore but also rotting food waste.
Hazardous Waste
Another reason is that some foods and liquids can be hazardous waste. This means that they contain chemicals, pathogens, or radioactive material that could contaminate the water supply. For example, cleaning products, bleach, and ammonia can damage aquatic life and make it impossible for humans to drink water from the tap. However, these chemicals are not present in all foods or liquids, so not all food should be considered hazardous waste.
Technological Stress
Another reason is that some foods cannot be processed by wastewater treatment plants because they don’t break down easily enough during treatment or because they require special equipment to remove them from wastewater before it returns to rivers or oceans after treatment. For example, grease will clog pipes leading to wastewater processing plants if it is not removed before entering those pipes. Because of this problem with grease removal, some cities have banned restaurants from serving french fries in their restaurants because of their high-calorie content and tendency toward grease buildup in pipes.
Possible Alternatives to Flushing Food Down the Toilet
-Consider all of your other choices before flushing the food down the toilet when you have food waste to dispose of.
-Consider storing leftovers in the refrigerator or freezer for later use; there are endless possibilities for repurposing leftovers.
-Place unwanted liquid-based foods, such as soup or cooking fats, in an old can or leak-proof plastic bag and throw them away.
-Put your stinkiest food scraps (fish skins, soggy meat wrappers, etc.) in a plastic bag and freeze it until garbage day, when you can add it to your bin and take it to the curb for the garbage hauler.
No More Food Down the Toilet, Call New Flow Plumbing!
If you’ve flushed too many scraps and your toilet won’t flush, call a plumber. A clogged sewer line can cause major health issues for you and your family. Call New Flow Plumbing for courteous, reliable plumbing service.